![]() I am honored to be currently serving as Selectwoman in Stonington. I have a long history of public service in Stonington including: eight years on the Stonington Board of Education (BOE), 14 years on the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, including serving as both Chairman and Vice Chairman of that group; serving for a number of years on the K-12 Building Committee, Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA), and Stormwater Task Force. I was also an active member of local PTO, Booster, Boy Scout, and other non-profit groups. I have lived in Stonington for 26 years. I have been married to my husband for 33 years and have three grown children who all graduated from Stonington High School. My oldest is a Captain in the Army with three young children of his own. Professionally, I have Bachelor of Science degrees in Geology and Biology from Bucknell University and a master’s degree in Geology/Specialization in Hydrogeology from the State University of New York. I originally trained as a petroleum geologist and spent five years working as an Exploration Geologist on wildcat rigs offshore Texas. For the past 35 years I have worked as an Environmental Consultant and Project Manager. I am a Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) and I work with private companies and municipalities to help investigate, remediate, and promote redevelopment of contaminated properties and help clients negotiate state and federal environmental permits and regulations. I have also assisted municipalities and businesses with community relations associated with contaminated sites. For several years, I volunteered as the Community Co-Chair of the Subbase Superfund Restoration Advisory Board helping the public make sense of the technical data presented by the consultants and regulators. As a lifelong learner, over the past two years I have attended webinars and programs associated with Climate Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Utilities and Regulatory Updates and reported back findings to the BOS and Town staff. I have used my experience as a Connecticut LEP to make connections with regulatory agencies to advance several local Brownfields Projects. I took an active role in writing our successful State Grant Applications for the Mystic River Boat House Park and Stillman Mill properties and continue to work towards retaining environmental consultants to begin the assessment and remediation work at those properties. Through my activities with the local Brownfield sites and outreach to Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP), I work to preserve municipal liability protection on Brownfields sites. I was selected to serve on a working group to develop new environmental regulations for reporting and cleanup of historical releases. I am honored to actively participate in the working group and represent Stonington and other smaller municipalities. I have worked successfully with the other two Selectwomen to solicit and interview volunteers to fill openings on Boards and Commissions – we currently have the most positions filled in many years. Along with the other Selectwomen, I serve as a liaison to various town committees which allow improved communication between the BOS, Town Hall, Commissions, Committees, and the public. Over the past two years, the BOS has worked together to hire qualified staff to fill 8 open positions at Town Hall. I take an active role in the Capital Improvement (CIP) process, prioritizing projects and working to reduce the CIP before sending it to the Board of Finance (BOF). The BOS recently worked through a process for expenditures of the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to assess needs and priorities and obtain input from the public, BOF and outside agencies. Other projects completed within the past two years – despite the challenge of COVID – including a successful, ongoing lease of the West Broad Street School, collaborating with the BOF and WPCA to pursue a critical bond for Wastewater Treatment Facilities Improvements, which resulted in the Town securing its best-ever interest rate (1.56%) and maintaining its AAA bond rating. I believe in Public Service over Politics. I will continue to emphasize communication, transparency, and fiscal responsibility in town government. I know that I am making important, positive contributions as a Selectwoman and am running for reelection because I love this town and want to do what I can to make it even better. Vote For Deborah Motycka Downie for Selectwoman November 2 ![]() Since moving to Mystic seven years ago, I’ve said that our town is magical. Now, with Matt and me living in Pawcatuck, I’m truly in love with Stonington. Everywhere I turn there is another neighbor doing their part to make our town better, and another chance to serve the community. I knew I needed to be part of that. In 2009, I convinced my husband to reboot his grandfather’s business, Mystic Knotwork. I’ve been leading the team day to day for over 10 years and manage the cash flow that keeps the business growing and contributing to the community. Our iconic knot business has won numerous awards, including:
I’ve helped raise money for Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Research every year I’ve lived in town, I’ve worked with the Ocean Chamber and Mystic Chamber to help our fellow small businesses. During our own COVID-19 shutdown last year, we used the energy of that stressful time to raise $1,000 for the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center. It was a highlight of last year, if there can be such a thing, to be blessed enough to give back last May. I’m serving on the Board of Directors for the Downtown Mystic Merchant’s Association and help with numerous activities there. I've donated so many raffle prizes to all the schools and organizations in the area that I can't list them all, but we are proud to sponsor the Como and the Stonington Crew. It is such a great feeling to be able to help out in any way we can. When I think about the responsibility of Treasurer, I realize that it’s a responsibility to keep a final check on spending. Because Glenn Frishman, Lynn Young, and Faith Leitner are so conscientious and detail oriented, finding errors will likely be limited. I’ve seen the work they all do, and feel the stipend paid to the Treasurer should be reinvested into also helping the town. So, I pledge to donate that salary to the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center and other charities to help our neighbors through rough patches. I’ll keep a sharp eye open to protect our treasury, and I’ll continue giving back in other ways. Please vote Jill Beaudoin for Treasurer Nov 2 ![]() Hi. My name is Faith Leitner and I’m running for the Board of Finance. Stonington has been home for nearly 40 years. My husband and I have been married 36 years and we raised two wonderful daughters who attended Stonington schools. I care deeply about what happens here and how our town is managed. I graduated from Colorado State University more years ago than I care to remember and studied resource management and music. I started playing concert harps when I was seven, so music won out and I’ve been a working musician ever since. However, I grew up in a fiscally common sense household where I was taught the value of living within your means and that’s how I manage my finances to this day. My dear late parents set another example. They both believed in contributing to the communities they lived in and did so through public service. That rubbed off on me so I served for two terms on the Stonington Board of Education from 2008 to 2017. I chaired the BOE’s finance committee for three years and was the board Secretary for two years during each term. I want to continue to serve all the people of Stonington. I’m a realist and know you can’t please everyone all the time, but if I’m elected I will do my utmost to listen to all sides and make the most responsible decisions that benefit Stonington and make the most sense. Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021. I would appreciate your vote. ![]() As we approach our upcoming Election Day on November 2nd 2021, I wanted to make a direct appeal to the voters seeking your support. I have had the honor to serve you on your Board of Finance for the past 27 years, and Chaired this Board for 18 of those years. Seeing this Board go from an appointed to an elected one, Stonington has benefitted from the Triple A Bond Rating these Boards have worked so hard to maintain. I have been committed to ensuring the maximal bang for the buck, and have been unwavering in ensuring that fiduciary responsibility from the Department Heads serving our community is demanded. I chose to run for Re election as I fear an inflationary recession could be on the horizon. As a Grandparent of triplets, I know the pain at the gas pump we are all encountering, and the increased cost the supermarket visit makes. These pressures on Stonington families no doubt will make tax dollars needing to be reviewed increasingly closely. I have never shirked my duty to you to ask the difficult questions, and as an adult who transitioned from active military service to return to my native Stonington in the late 1970s in equally troubled economic times, have the experience to protect the individual taxpayer and our community. I have never forgotten the lessons learned in those difficult times. I am prepared to use them to negotiate these difficult days and inflation. Always whether friend or no, I have ensured that money allocated for town is vetted thoroughly. Those that take that path often can become considered unpopular and controversial. I pledge to you that appointed or elected I will present a thoroughly vetted budget for your approval. Never seeking unnecessary tax funds that, I fear, will be increasingly scarce as we collectively recover from the Covid 19 Pandemic. Our town must spend and plan wisely for an uncertain fiscal future fraught with potential peril. I am committed to protecting the individual household as I am the town. We are all in this together. This candidate is not afraid to take tough stands on issues. Recently I was not in line with my party leadership in my opposition to the Fixed Tax Assessment for the Campbell Grain Mill. I saw that as not worthy of town financial subsidy and saw my fiduciary role trumping party loyalty. I applaud the informed taxpayers of Stonington for demanding their voices be heard. My stances always dictated on what I truly believe is best for our town and never forgetting those tax funds are precious to those raising families and on fixed incomes. In my next four years I will seek to drive these following issues in Stonington to successful resolution. I believe they are priorities that will put the future of our town on a path that will keep it the special community that it is.
As always I am willing to listen and weigh all opinion. I am not ashamed to say I am a fiscal conservative. My record shows I always put Stonington first, care deeply about our working families and seniors. I'm eager to advocate for these needs and humbly ask for the honor of your vote. ![]() The Board of Education's (BOE) goal is to ensure and advance student success. To maximize student achievement, the BOE must work with all stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, school faculty and staff, and community members. My background enables me to act as a voice for each of these stakeholder groups. I am a Stonington graduate. I attended Stonington Public Schools for my entire K-12 career. I credit SPS for helping me build a foundation for success well beyond my 2009 high school graduation. I participated in many of SPS's rich extracurricular curricular activities including band, cross-country, track, basketball, student government, theatre, and a variety of after-school clubs and groups. I understand the positive impact that these activities have on skill development, relationship building, and physical and mental health. I’m a parent. My wife, Ellen, and I have two beautiful daughters, Tess (2) and Neve (4 months). By the end of my first term as a BOE representative, Tess will be a student at West Vine. I have skin in the game in ensuring that Stonington offers ample educational opportunities for Stonington students. I was a teacher. I understand the day-to-day life of a teacher. I know how to work closely with parents and administrators to meet the individual needs of every student. I have attended interviews for faculty and administrative hires. I have worked with district and state curriculum directors to tailor lessons to maximize student achievement. I have attended PPT meetingsand conferences to advocate for student’s needs. I have fostered meaningful relationships with students, fellow teachers, faculty, staff, community members and understand the importance of each in student success. I have strong ties to the Stonington community. My family has resided in Stonington and has been active in the community for over 70 years. My father grew up in Pawcatuck, my mother in the Borough, and my siblings and I were raised in Pawcatuck. I have held a variety of jobs in town, starting at ten years old as a New London Day paperboy. I was also a bank teller and a basketball referee. Along the way, I have made valuable and lasting connections with community members. I have extensive professional education experience. I have held positions as a high school teacher, educational consultant, conference presenter, published educational researcher, data analyst for an educational software company, undergraduate and graduate university instructor, and university guest lecturer. I have a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology. I am also working on my dissertation toward a Doctoral degree in Educational Psychology. Through this in-depth study of education, I have developed a deep understanding of the current body of research in educational assessment, evaluation, instruction, policy, and student learning. I pledge to align my policy decisions to research and data wherever possible. I love this town, have a deep understanding of what makes Stonington tic, and will work passionately to advance the community that has served my family and me so well. I believe my background will allow me to advocate for students, parents, teachers, and community members and would appreciate your support and your vote on November 2nd! ![]() I’m running for the Stonington Board of Education because I believe we need to move forward. We, as a school district, town, state, and country have experienced many ups and downs over the past year and a half. I plan to help the Stonington School District continue to provide a quality education and be transparent with the families, students, and teachers. I believe it is important to continue to work to keep our students in school. I want Stonington students to be recognized among the best in the State. I am a native of New Hampshire and moved to Stonington in 2008 after accepting a position with the Connecticut State Police. In September 2012, I married my wife, Ashley, a North Stonington native. We met during our time at Salve Regina University in Newport, RI. In 2013 and in 2016, we welcomed our two children into the world. Our son and daughter are now in third grade and kindergarten, respectively, at Deans Mill School. We could not be happier with the experiences the Stonington School District has given to our children. As a mandated reporter, I will work to keep the students of Stonington safe and hold those accountable who violate the rights of our students. Throughout my career, I have worked in the many different areas of southeastern Connecticut. I have developed the understanding we all come from unique backgrounds and individual experiences. While not busy at work, I coach with the Stonington Soccer Club and Junior Sharks. I have spent the past few years coaching baseball with Mystic Little League and the Pawcatuck/North Stonington Little League. I am an avid fan and supporter of the Stonington Flag Football Rec Program and enjoy watching all the players come together on the weekends. I have volunteered at events with Deans Mill School, attended Field Day, school plays, and music shows. I regularly attend mass at St. Patrick’s Church in Mystic and have volunteered my time. I look forward to getting to know the many residents of Stonington, students, their families, and supporting the Stonington School District. Our students have lost a lot of time over the past year, and I am excited to help Stonington students receive the best education and prepare them for their futures. Thank you for your time and I look forward to your Vote on November 2. ![]() I’m running for the Board of Education because a solid public school education is basic to producing the future citizens we need, and the Board of Education is instrumental in that goal. I support transparency in BoE actions and encourage students to maximize educational achievement. I also support measures to recover the lost learning time from the past year such as short-term tutoring for students as appropriate. I am a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland and spent my first career in the U.S. Navy. After various tours of duty including command of a nuclear submarine and two tours at the Pentagon, I retired with the rank of Captain. I attended the George Washington University Law School at night, and upon retirement from the Navy, worked in the Washington D.C. office of the law firm, Winston and Strawn. After serving briefly as Deputy Inspector General of the Peace Corps at the Headquarters in the nation’s capitol, I returned to Connecticut and worked as an attorney and Vice President at a company in Waterford. I was a substitute teacher in various subjects in public schools in the Stonington and Mystic area and taught geometry for 1.5 years at St Bernard High School in Montville, Ct, I served as Executive Director of the Connecticut Early Music Society for over a dozen years, organizing the annual Connecticut Early Music Festival. In that capacity, I brought music programs into a number of local and New London schools. I sing or have sung in various groups in the region including the Westerly Chorus, the chorus of the Saltmarsh Opera and the Stonington Madrigals Singers. I have been involved in prison ministry including the Alpha Course and the Kairos prison ministry in Corrigan and Radgowski prisons in Montville. This work also involved some one-on-one mentoring of inmates during their final year of imprisonment. My wife, Roberta, and I have three grown children and we live in Stonington, Connecticut. ![]() Dear Friends and Neighbors, When the Connecticut House of Representatives next meets on Monday, September 27th it will be in a special session to vote on a seventh extension of the Governor's emergency powers, this time at least until February. The Governor insists that Connecticut's public health and civil preparedness emergency declarations must be extended, but our neighbors to the north in Massachusetts have still managed COVID effectively in their schools and workplaces, even though their governor, Gov. Charlie Baker ended his state's emergency declarations months ago. Meanwhile, the true emergency facing Connecticut - the erosion of our public safety in the face of rising violent crime and a wave of juvenile car thefts - has gone unaddressed, largely thanks to Democratic inaction in the legislature. If you agree with me that our state's true emergency can no longer be ignored, visit www.StopCarThefts.com and write a message to those lawmakers still on the fence about protecting your safety. As always, please contact me should you have any questions about this important issue or concerns on any other topics relating to state government at [email protected]. Stay cool, State Rep. Greg Howard Here is the slate of candidates that we feel are the best choices for Stonington. Campaign season is around the corner, and this town will be better for the inclusion and reelection of candidates that represent the values and vision for our town.
Stonington RTCA Group of citizens working to improve the town of Stonington Archives
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